Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Parish Corruption and Abuse of Power.

                                                    Corruption Hits Everywhere
                                                  In Maywood, CA

We Want Financial Transparency!

We know that the funds of the parish are not publish to the parish comunity every sunday mass as in other parishes is and  as it should be and it was before, that the offerings of every sunday mass leave the sacristy with out being counted for community members, he claims that could be robbed if published.
A lot of money is being receive for the remodalation of the temple without the knwoledge of the entire commnunity, and before everything else hi remodelated the offices where people just spend 20 minutes if received by any priest, before hi leaves in 2011 his trying to get out of you the most money he can, and leave the temple and parish hall in the same condition.

That is being convocated a group of people for the formation of the Finance Council, with selected  people, including employees of the parish and the court of his entourage and the LA Archdiocese people, behind doors, and withot the kwnoledge of all the community in general, All this against the clock! Violating  the regulations of Canon 537.

We Want Respect!

"We want a dignified and just as children of God, and that stops the despotic and arrogant attitude of the pastor and his allies that he strategically installed within the parish community in various key ministries.

That everybody knows of the woman he's been hiring inside the offices without consent of the diocese and with the repudiation of the community, did you notice that shes been the one taking the money at the window where you bought the tickets at the carnival?

That he stops!! prohibiding people to visit the temple or all installation of the parish to those in need.

That he stops ventilating confession secrets, or give advise against our beleaves and violates our church doctrine.

We Want Better Service!

Have you notice the people in charge of services like communion, weddings, confirmation, virtus even in the main office; are they polite or with a smile on their faces? We deserve better than this arrogant an unprofessional service.  They increase the enrollment for the communion or confirmation services, they lay off the catequists and place new one with no experiance,what a herd of swine.

We Want Better Installations!

Summer 2011 is comming, and as 2010 nothing is being done to improve the central air conditioning in the church temple not to even mention the air conditioning in the parish hall where all the retreats take place; remember thru were the vandals came to the parish hall why took to long to get  fixed? what about the celing that is falling down in the temple? or the bad sound during mass; what about the security that use to be in the parking lot? not the ones with arrogancy that he place recently there's no guards! and they bluff about the safety of our childrens. Insted he send people after the ones that had bring  to the attention all this issues.

      Remember what it was this event? Did you forget? Or is it that we forgot what happened?
It is true that initially helped the community to unite and defend this community from the abuses of politicians in past administrations of the city; Wait!!! the ones against him in the run. it is true that helped get the name of MAYWOOD CITY SHRINE OF IMMIGRANTS..... But Just Now! He's firing people from the parish, employees that deserve better treatment. And saying the the MINUNTE MAN are after him, and after his woman; what a shame!!

He's been ask to leave this parish since last year but his trying as always to buy people with favors and lies to be his allies to keep his presence at that parish, do not be fool by this priest, watch very carefully his saying and actions.

Wakeup community! Stop this Now! He will not call the media; advertising this because does not suits his  interests. And if you think we are attacking, no, no, inquire, question, call the MINUTE MAN organization, please find out a consensus within the community, but especially to people who have spent more time in this blessed and hardworking people of God, not who recently have joined our faith, because they really know little or nothing of what is happening within the parish community and how they are dealing with parish matters. And attached is a small space although the right of the doubt is it true? Or is it a lie? Date this opportunity brother.

Everyone Needs to be Counted!
Washington, Mar 28 - Just days before the National Census Day on April 1, Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard and U.S. Census staff joined more than 1,000 parishioners at St. Rose of Lima Church in Maywood to remind people to turn in their census forms by April 16, 2010. Congresswoman Roybal-Allard emphasized the importance of the Census in determining federal funding for local communities and urged everyone to participate. Pictured in the photos: Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard outside of the church with Maywood Mayor Ana Rosa Rizo and young parishioners who are also members of the local student group United Students of Southeast Cities. Pictured in the photos (left to right): Maywood Mayor Ana Rosa Rizo(California Lead Organizer for the National Farm Worker Ministry (based at Santa Rosa de Lima Church in Maywood) local resident,(ExVolunteer in Saint Rose of Lima) Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, Hector Alvarado, Councilman Ed Varela, and Father David Velasquez. (Yes That's Right All Parish Community!!!)
This is the figure that pretends to like his eminence Fr David M. Velazquez.

Brother, we ask you to pray and fellowship and in the same spirit, we join together and cry out to our Lord, the Holy Spirit, to assist us and give us true conversion to which we say we are Christians, Pray Brothers but we must not be blind or deaf to the injustices, or the bad testimony of our leaders but rather to be an image of Jesus Christ.

Have you noticed the kind of teaching from the newly joined to the catholic faith that teaches catechism to your childrens about catholic faith? are they kidding?

If you think this is an attack, also invite you to ask Not only in the parish community, investigates civilly, and ask yourself this question why all this is happening is there any other reason?  because the financial situation of the city?  Because his leaving?

Who is behind that you see that govern the city? The EAGLE has eyes!!!